6 Simple Steps to Set and SMASH Your Goals


2020 definitely brought the trials and tribulations- but, how much awesomeness was there too!? 

When you reflect on the past year, I want you to really take a hard look and acknowledge yourself for all your hard work and accomplishments this year. 


Don’t sell yourself short, either. Stack up those WINS! Write them down and look back on them when you find yourself needing a boost in 2021.


It’s OK to look at what you still need to work on. Just make sure when you do, you’re kind to yourself. Recognize what you need to work on and set goals to make progress in those areas. Don’t linger on what you didn’t do and don’t beat yourself up over it.

I want you to kick your year off strong, amped, and ready to kick some serious a$$!!!

So, here are my best tips for getting and staying motivated ALL year long. Follow these 6 simple steps and you will be absolutely unstoppable.

1) Reflect-  again, don’t linger on this. Acknowledge the wins and what areas you need to work on. 


2) Look ahead- now you know your strengths, you're pumped up realizing now just how awesome you actually are. You know what needs work. DON’T try to conquer them all. Pick ONE main goal you are going to laser focus on this year. 


*Your WINS list can be this long- but NEVER, your To-Do list!*


You can pick a couple of smaller goals to work on as well, but these should be attainable and not impede your focus or progress on #1. 

These could be areas that support your main goal (ie, if your goal is to get fit and healthy, this is #1; your smaller goals will be exercise, healthy eating, drinking more water, and getting proper rest regularly). 

*NOTE*- when you pick your #1 goal, make SURE you determine WHY you want to achieve this goal. 

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who does it benefit and how? 
  • What are the consequences if you don’t succeed? 
  • Who does it impact and how, if you don’t achieve your goal? 

    This is THE most important part of setting your goals if you want to be successful. 

    When you feel like giving up, like you can’t go on, or like there’s no point anymore- you’re going to come back to this WHY. Make it a good one. 


    3) Set deadlines for your goals. If your main goal is a big project, schedule in the daily or weekly tasks necessary to achieve your goal. 


    4) Get an accountability partner- one you trust and respect will increase your chances of success even more. Let them know your goal and your plan to reach it. Schedule check-ins with your accountability partner. 

    5) Keep your goals in sight- write them down and place them where you will see them many times a day. 

    6) Now, come back to the present, meditate, set your intentions for 2021, and work towards your goals daily- in the present.

    Alright, my love, think on this and get geared up and ready to rock like... 

    You got this. You’re incredible. And I love you.






    PS- Know someone who struggles to follow-through or reach their goals? Share these these six simple steps with them and give them the tools they need to have their best year yet! 

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